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Masters of mathematical and physical specialties were awarded diplomas in ZNU

Masters of mathematical and physical specialties were awarded diplomas in ZNU

130 graduate students (of which 29 with honors) were given full-time and part-time diplomas of mathematical and physical specialties in ZNU.

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14.02.2019 11:01
The management of ZNU and the scholars from the faculty of mathematics had a meeting with the representatives from Yuzhnoye State Design Office

The management of ZNU and the scholars from the faculty of mathematics had a meeting with the representatives from Yuzhnoye State Design Office

The constant business partners of university, representatives of state Chief Researcher of the Design Bureau, honorary professor of ZNU Ihor Larinov and chief of enterprise sector Dmytro Akymov visited  Zaporizhzhia national university 22 August with working visit. During their visit at the university they met with the rector of ZNU, professor Mykola Frolov, vice-rector for scientific work Hennadii Vasylchuk, and work group of the university’s scholars under the leadership its chairman – head of the department of applied mathematics and mechanics, professor Viktor Hryshchak.

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28.08.2018 15:00

ZNU has signed a cooperation agreement with the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

Recently signed an agreement "On cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture" between Zaporizhzhya National University and Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (m., Baku) - signed by the Rectors of the two universities, professors Mykola Frolov and Gyulchohra Mamedova. Under the agreement, scientists of both parties will participate in joint mathematical research in solid mechanics, will teach specialists of the industry, will be academic faculty exchange between our and Baku university.
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28.04.2016 09:27

At ZNU continuing Olympics among teachers and employees

Today, their logic and ingenuity showed participants of the game in draughts. Organized Olympics for teachers and employees of the University representatives of the Health club of Zaporizhzhya National University with the support of the primary trade union organization.
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04.02.2016 14:27

A ZNU held the first regional stage of All-Ukrainian Junior Academy of Sciences

On December 6 at ZNU held traditional stage of All-Ukrainian Junior Academy of Sciences. Took part in it about 600 high school students - pupils of 9-11 forms of secondary schools. Zaporizhzhya region (Polohy, Guliaipole, Tokmak, Kushuhum, Novokaterynivka etc.). Contestants written tests in different fields regional stage of the competition JAS - protecting scientific works, scheduled to take place in February 2016.
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08.12.2015 15:08

Representatives of ZNU took part in Projet EU SemData

Zaporizhzhya National University - one of the members of the project consortium the 7th Framework Programme EU SemData "Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme" (IRSES) SemData. Among other participants of the program acting universities Spain, Germany, the UK, Greece, Australia, USA, Chile and China. The programm SemData is an instrument of international staff exchange between research groups and Polytechnic University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)) it acts as coordinator. Within the framework of this program scientists of the Faculty of Mathematics of ZNU took part in the events of the project of EU and involved in the development themes devoted to the semantics of large and linked data.
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30.06.2015 15:00

The evening of fame gathered constellation of sports talents (photo report)

On May 28 in Zaporizhzhya National University at the sports complex was held the evening of ZNU Sports Hall of Fame dedicated to the prize winners and winners of ZNU Sports Contest.
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29.05.2015 14:27

Professor Viktor Liakh returned from an internship on Mevlana Exchange Programme (Turkey)

Head of the Department of park and garden establishment and genetics of plants, professor Viktor Liakh returned from the University of Chukurov, which is among the five of the best Higher Educational Institutions in Turkey. He met with the leadership, teachers and postgraduates students of the Faculty of Biology of the foreign university. Also Viktor Liakh made a presentation about the main scientific achievements of the Department of park and garden establishment and genetics of plants of the Faculty of Biology of ZNU.
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20.04.2015 10:31

At ZNU started a contest of amateur performances "Students' Spring 2015"

April 14 at Zaporizhzhya National University started a traditional contest of amateur performances for the 1st-5th years students "Students' Spring 2015" organized by the Cultural Center of ZNU. On the first day of the festival their "House concert" showed teams of the Faculty of Physical Education, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Mathematics.
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15.04.2015 13:40

On the "Miss of ZNU - 2015" presented "History of Ukrainian girl"

Yesterday, April 2, in the Glinka Concert Hall held 13th contest of beauty, grace and charm – show "Miss of ZNU - 2015" . This year it was held under the slogan "History of Ukrainian girl." To celebrate the main spring event of ZNU – The Holiday of Beauty and Talent – have gathered together in the hall of administration of the university, representatives of all faculties of Higher Educational Institution, teachers, students, their parents and friends. On the background of the events that is now experiencing in Ukraine, all aspects of the event were filled with military-patriotic-themed clothing, performances and shows attributes. At the beginning of the contest guests honored with a minute of silence for memory of the fallen motherland freedom fighters. In the hall also working volunteers who gathered funds to support the soldiers participating of ATO and to the wounded.
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03.04.2015 14:40
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