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 MultiEd Сonsortium Partners Discussed Strategies for Multilingual Education in Ukrainian HEIs

MultiEd Сonsortium Partners Discussed Strategies for Multilingual Education in Ukrainian HEIs

Participants of the international project Erasmus + KA2 MultiEd "Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration" are actively working on developing of strategies for multilingual education. Recently, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU) as a partner of the MultiEd consortium initiated an advisory seminar to exchange experience and ideas on the way to creating these strategies. The project Manager Oleksandra Golovko (University of Tartu, Estonia) moderated the event.

754 view
23.11.2021 16:22
1354 view
21.06.2019 10:32
Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Svitlana Hlushchenko met with future lawyers of ZNU

Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Svitlana Hlushchenko met with future lawyers of ZNU

On February 7, Zaporizhzhia National University was visited by Svitlana Hlushchenko, Deputy Minister of Justice for Executive Service issues, accompanied by Serhii Vasyltsov, Head of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Zaporizhzhia Region. The honored guests met with the first vice-rector Oleksandr Bondar, as well as with the dean of the law faculty Tetiana Kolomoiets, professors and students.

1288 view
08.02.2019 10:00

Foreign Languages Intensive Study Center invites entrants to the magistracy to visit preparation courses

According to entrance conditions tо the Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 873 from 18.09.2009.) and admission conditions to the State Higher Educational institution "Zaporizhzhya National University" MES (Ministry for Education and Science) of Ukraine admission to the magistracy is on a competitive basis. The structure of the entrance examinations to the magistracy entered the exam in a foreign language, which provides foreign language level B2 for bachelors alumni of different specialties. Due to the Regulations especially for future master's students and specialists developed a course in preparation for exams in foreign languages, which will help to pass the entrance examination and get a good result.
1077 view
10.06.2016 14:03

The development of science and innovation in universities discussed in ZNU

Today under realization in Zaporizhzhya National University and the first regional forum "Science. Authority. Business "held a round table meeting "Development of science and innovation activities in higher educational institutions." It took part in the management and scientists of Zaporizhzhya higher educational institutions, members of the City Council, business leaders and organizations. The main purpose of this event was to discuss cooperation between them problems that arise during establishing communication and directions of scientific innovation.
1382 view
08.06.2016 16:46

Maintenance and Supply Department completes its work on replacement of phone numbers in ZNU next week

In Zaporizhzhya national university continuing work related with the replacement of phone numbers. In particular, there have been changes in numbering in 4th educational building. As reported employees of automatically-telephone station of ZNU all its work planned to be completed next week.

1019 view
04.02.2016 16:20

At ZNU changed phone numbers

Because of the technical circumstances several weeks before the end of the year in educational buildings and hostels of Zaporizhzhya National University going on the staged replacement of old for new telephone numbers. Works on connecting of new numbers hold employees of Maintenance and Supply of ZNU, and will continue after the New Year's holidays.
1519 view
29.12.2015 09:10

In ZNU Mykola Frolov reported on the implementation of the Collective Agreement in 2015

December, 18 in Zaporizhzhya National University held the conference of staff members, during which Rector of ZNU, professor Mykola Frolov reported on the implementation of the Collective Agreement in 2015. At the event were attended 214 people – delegates of staff members of our university, representatives of departments, structural departments and the student government. Therefore, at the beginning of the event, the participants agreed that the conference available quorum. This means, that all decisions taken during its work, including the approval of the Rector's report and the recognition of his work during the year as satisfactory, – legitimate.
1391 view
21.12.2015 16:02
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