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 ZNU representatives shared the results of the Erasmus+ KA2 DESTIN and Multied projects

ZNU representatives shared the results of the Erasmus+ KA2 DESTIN and Multied projects

Representatives of the Zaporizhzhia National University took part in a cluster event on the modernization of educational programs, organized by the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine, entitled "Ensuring the quality of educational programs in the context of European integration: environmentalization, recognition, digitalization, inclusion."


154 view
26.09.2023 14:00
The Faculty of Journalism of ZNU summarizes the participation in the international project Erasmus+ KA2 DESTIN

The Faculty of Journalism of ZNU summarizes the participation in the international project Erasmus+ KA2 DESTIN

The representatives of the Department of Journalism of ZNU returned from Poznań (Poland), where the final meeting of the governing board of the international project of the European Union ERASMUS+KA2 "Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism" (DESTIN) was held at the Adam Mickiewicz University. The dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Viktor Kostyuk, and associate professors of the Department of Journalism, Yulia Liubchenko and Olena Usmanova represented ZNU team.

400 view
16.11.2022 15:24
Faculty of Journalism of ZNU participated in the final conference of the international project "DESTIN"

Faculty of Journalism of ZNU participated in the final conference of the international project "DESTIN"

Teachers, students and postgraduates of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU joined the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Journalism of the Future: challenges, trends, prospects of development ". The online event was held at Ivan Franko Lviv National University. The conference was a unique outcome of the implementation of the large-scale international project of the European Union ERASMUS+KA2 " Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism (DESTIN)", which was implemented in 10 Ukrainian institutions of higher education that train specialists and professionals in the field of journalism for four years. Among them was the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU.


221 view
20.10.2022 13:07
Round table discussion "European Values in Journalism during the War" was held on the Journalist's Day

Round table discussion "European Values in Journalism during the War" was held on the Journalist's Day

On June 6, the Faculty of Journalism of Zaporizhzhia National University organized a round table discussion "European Values in Journalism during the War". The online meeting was held within the framework of the Erasmus+ JMM EU-Indy project "European media standards and values of independent journalism in the post-truth era" and Erasmus+ KA2 project DESTIN.

235 view
07.06.2022 16:00
ZNU is a member of the European Journalism Training Association

ZNU is a member of the European Journalism Training Association

Zaporizhzhia National University (ZNU, Zaporizhzhia National University) became a member of the European Journalism Training Association for a year. This decision was made by the EJTA Supervisory Board at its May meeting.

192 view
02.06.2022 13:49
The Faculty of Journalism intensifies its international cooperation with "Deutsche Welle Akademie" and Erasmus + project DESTIN

The Faculty of Journalism intensifies its international cooperation with "Deutsche Welle Akademie" and Erasmus + project DESTIN

Along with the resuming studies at ZNU (Zaporizhzhia National University), its international cooperation also intensifies in May. Teaching staff of the Faculty of Journalism took part in a number of events and outlined promising areas of work for the coming months.

210 view
23.05.2022 12:07
Dutch Professor Nico Drok gave a guest lecture at the Faculty of Journalism

Dutch Professor Nico Drok gave a guest lecture at the Faculty of Journalism

The Faculty of Journalism of ZNU (Zaporizhzhia National University) within the framework of international activities invited Professor Nico Drok (Windesheim University (Netherlands) to give a guest lecture to the faculty teachers and students majoring in specialties "Journalism" and "Information, Library and Archival Affairs". Professor Drok’s lecture was "How teachers of journalism faculties see future professions in the context of social change: a view from different countries".

146 view
30.11.2021 11:18
The Faculty of Journalism hosted a virtual visit of international experts within the Erasmus+ KA2 project DESTIN

The Faculty of Journalism hosted a virtual visit of international experts within the Erasmus+ KA2 project DESTIN

The Chair of Journalism of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU (Zaporizhzhia National University) continues to implement the international project "DESTIN" under the Erasmus + program (KA2: Capacity Building in Higher Education) "Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism".

149 view
11.10.2021 10:16
The Faculty of Journalism held the event «DESTIN Open Day»

The Faculty of Journalism held the event «DESTIN Open Day»

On May 20 the Faculty of Journalism of Zaporizhzhia National University (ZNU) organized and held an original event within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 DESTIN project – «Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards. Integrity and Professionalism». «DESTIN Open Day» is an open day, which aimed to gather online in one place and at one time real and potential participants of the program: faculty members, students, employers (media workers in the region), university applicants, public authorities.

168 view
24.05.2021 09:31
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