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The winter rest of students-economists

Research work is one of the most important directions of educative process on the economic faculty. Recently the contest of student’s scientific works passed at the economic faculty.
326 view
29.02.2008 19:39

In ZNU Statute about students’ self-governance was presentated

On the regular session of heads of students’ councils of faculties of our university Statute about students’ self-governance in Zaporizhzhya national university was adopted.
361 view
26.02.2008 16:18

In ZNU passed the third tour of the second regional stage of Little academy of sciences

On February 24 several hundreds of young scientists – school graduates of Zaporizhzhya region - came to Zaporizhzhya national university in order to take part in the third tour of the second regional stage of Little academy of sciences.
379 view
25.02.2008 16:16

A week of biological faculty

On February 18 - 23 in ZNU a week of the biological faculty was conducted, in course of which several meetings with school graduates and the presentation of specialities of the faculty were organized.
341 view
25.02.2008 15:41

In ZNU the memory of well-known Ukrainian lawyer was honored

This year the great Ukrainian lawyer, the first head of the Constitutional court of Ukraine Leonid Juz’kov would celebrate 70-th anniversary. Leading universities of Ukraine, in which study future lawyers, conducted to this date a range of actions.
582 view
21.02.2008 14:58

Victory of the student of the law faculty in all-Ukrainian competitions

The second-year student of the law faculty of Zaporizhzhya national university Inna Melnik took the second place in the 4-th all-Ukrainian competitions in criminal right and process «Rhetorical art», which passed on the base of the faculty of economics and law of Donets’k national university.
341 view
21.02.2008 14:57

Studies of young scientists of ZNU, dedicated to love

Students of the faculty of social pedagogy and psychology, members of the Students’ scientific union of the faculty, celebrated Valentine's day in an unusual way - they conducted the session of a round table, dedicated to several scientific aspects of communication between people and of the best feeling.
354 view
21.02.2008 14:56

Two-days seminar «Effective managing organization in European educative space»

On February 12-13 the Center of business education of ZNU organized the series of trainings for representatives of the average link of basic education.
337 view
14.02.2008 14:55

Seminar-training at the faculty of foreign philology

The seminar took place on January 30, 2008. In the work of six sections 97 teachers of English, German, French and Spanish participated, among them 98% are graduates of the faculty of foreign philology of ZNU.
342 view
01.02.2008 14:01
Pages : 1