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News 1-10 ( news found : 63 )

The Faculty of Journalism welcomes guests from Hydroelectric College

The last winter day was marked with a friendly visit of prospective students to the Faculty of Journalism, ZNU.

423 view
28.02.2013 16:28

ZNU Students visited JSC "Zaporozhye Metallurgical Plant" Zaporizhstal "

February 28 students of biological faculty of the Department of General and Applied Ecology and Zoology and Economics Department spokeswoman Zaporizhzhya National University visited Zaporozhye Metallurgical Plant "Zaporizhstal".
593 view
28.02.2013 15:26

Students in the program met the contestants' Zavtra.UA "from last year's fellows

Today, February 28, at the initiative of the Scientific and Research Students meeting participants of the program "Zavtra.UA" the Victor Pinchuk with last year's winners of the program.
381 view
28.02.2013 15:21

Faculty of Law News last lectures of specialists in administrative law

February 27 for law students Zaporizhzhya National University leading experts in the field of administrative law in different universities of Ukraine held three lectures.
345 view
28.02.2013 11:48

In the News had a regional scientific-methodical seminar to address issues related to preparation for testing

Zaporizhzhya National University takes an active role in participating in the preparation and implementation of regional external testing. In particular, based on our university repeatedly conducted teaching seminars on various aspects of modern forms of control over the quality of knowledge of graduates. February 27 News conducted a regional scientific-methodical seminar "Problems of teaching, organizational, and psychological software testing."
351 view
28.02.2013 10:21

Journalism students Anton Osadchuk - the new head of the Student Council News

Feb. 27 in the hall of the second academic building ZNU was elected head of the student council. The conference was attended by 213 delegates from different faculties. According to the results of the vote head Student council Students were selected third-year student of the Faculty of Journalism Anton Osadchuk.
372 view
28.02.2013 09:40

Law students discussed the feasibility of the existence of the National Bureau of Investigation Ukraine

Members of the Scientific Society of Students Faculty of Law held a roundtable "National Bureau of Investigation Ukraine: prospects and feasibility of establishing". Chaired the meeting, student of, deputy head of SSA faculty Nikita Zhukov.
370 view
28.02.2013 09:09

Teachers and students of the faculty met with senior Orikhivsky District

Teachers and students of the faculty of Zaporizhzhya National University continues to place greater emphasis on career-oriented activities. Creative campaigning team of faculty attending school Zaporizhia region to tell applicants about the benefits of learning in News and about admission to our university.
543 view
27.02.2013 09:14

Students in the regular meeting of the working group on the draft amendments to the Regulations on the student government

February 25 Student Council Zaporizhzhya National University held a meeting of the working group on the draft amendments to the Regulations on the student government.
340 view
27.02.2013 09:10

Students of legal and economic faculties Students held a lecture on "Normative ensure financial activities"

February 26 students of the Faculty together with the students of Faculty of Economics Zaporizhzhya National University held an extended lecture on "Normative ensure financial activities." The event was organized Doctor of Law, professor Nikolai Martynov.
371 view
27.02.2013 08:59
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