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In ZNU held a meeting of Heads and Executive editors of our university professional publications

September 27 in Zaporizhzhya National University held a meeting of Heads and Executive editors of 7th series "Vistnyk ZNU", chaired by the Head of Scientific and Research Division, Victoriya Menyaylo.
371 view
30.09.2013 14:32

At the Faculty of Biology of ZNU held a mini-training for students

September 27 at the Faculty of Biology of ZNU held a mini-training on "Creating Presentations: basic steps." It was organized by Deputy Dean for International Activities, chairman of volunteer service career development of students of biological faculty, Ph.D. in Biology, associate professor Nataliya Rubtsova.
422 view
30.09.2013 14:27

In ZNU celebrated the 50th anniversary of professor Valentyn Ivanenko activity

September 27 at the Philological Faculty of ZNU solemnly celebrated the 50th anniversary of scientific and educational activities professor of Russian Philology, Valentyn Ivanenko. To congratulate Valentyn Kuzmovych with half a century of tireless and creative work within the walls of our university attended Rector of ZNU Mykola Frolov, First Vice-Rector Olexander Bondar, teachers of all departments and students of the faculty.
463 view
30.09.2013 11:21

In ZNU held the presentation of All-Ukrainian Students Championship of Strategic Management «GMC Junior 2013»

September 27 in Zaporizhzhya National University held the presentation of the sixth season of All-Ukrainian Students Championship of Strategic Management «GMC Junior 2013».
Championship «GMC Junior» traditionally held by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Student Council of MESU.
398 view
30.09.2013 10:50

Students of the Faculty of Law discussed issues of the organization and conducting of advocacy

September 27 at the Law Faculty of Zaporizhzhya National University held a roundtable meeting during which the participants discussed urgent issues of organizing and conducting advocacy. Event was organized by the members of SCSP of the Faculty of Law.
407 view
30.09.2013 10:24

At the Faculty of Foreign Languages of ZNU celebrated the International Translation Day and International Day of Languages

September 27 at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Zaporizhzhya National University celebrated just two events: International Day of Languages ​​and International Translation Day. Faculty of Foreign Languages​​, which has so many language departments could not ignore these holidays.
399 view
30.09.2013 10:05

At the Faculty of Law of ZNU opened memorial sign to Oleksiy Bychkivskiy

Today, 27 September, on the occasion of the 22 anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Law of ZNU held the memorial sign to the former dean, head of the Department of Civil Law, Oleksiy Bychkivskiy. A sign was installed at the department, which he once led and which now carry his name (room 108).
407 view
27.09.2013 14:34

Faculty of Law of ZNU celebrates a birthday

Today Faculty of Law of ZNU celebrates its 22nd birthday. In celebration brought together representatives of rectorate, teachers and law faculty students and guests.
384 view
27.09.2013 14:01

In ZNU held a meeting of the Presidium of SMC on civil protection and security of the population of Zaporizhzhya region

September 26 in the walls of Zaporizhzhya National University held a retreat meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Civil Protection and safety of the population of Zaporizhzhya region on "Methodological framework of security of life, which is based on experience, achievements of the human sciences, systematic and structured approach to analysis of emergency".
The purpose of the event - search for perspective directions of improvement of higher education in civil security and learning experience of training on labor protection, life safety and protection in higher educational institutions of the region.
846 view
27.09.2013 11:41

At the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU discussed the problems of youth speech

September 25, the walls of Zaporizhzhya National University visited expert of Media Development Fund of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Oleg Pastukhov. He together with regional TV and radio editor of "Zaporizhzhya" Olga Vakalo, TV studio manager "Universe" Alla Ternova and Dean of the Faculty of Journalism, professor Volodymyr Manakin, participated in an open dialogue with students. Theme of a roundtable discussion - the problem of youth television in etheric space of Ukraine.
409 view
27.09.2013 11:12
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