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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Dear teachers, staff and students of Zaporizhzhya National University!
We sincerely congratulate you with the upcoming New Year 2015 and Merry Christmas!
Let this New Year bring peace to your home, happiness, prosperity and stability, care to all families and will be for you generous for joy and creative inspiration.
Let certainly realized all your light intentions and our Ukraine will be happy, prosperous and blessed in native land under the peaceful skies!

1164 view
30.12.2014 10:40

ZNU has been created new Specialized Scientific Council

In order of MES of Ukraine № 1528 of 29.12.2014 ZNU has been created new Specialized Scientific Council К 17.051.09 with the right to review and in defence of a thesis for the degree of PhD in Pedagogic sciences of specialty 13.00.04 in «Theory and Methods of Professional Education».
929 view
30.12.2014 10:34

The staff of the Faculty of Economics were receive a gratitude for their active support of Ukrainian soldiers

Acting charity activity of the staff and students of the Faculty of Economics is aimed to help Ukrainian soldiers, which have found a dignity respect on the city level.
690 view
23.12.2014 09:56

Students of ZNU discussed with the Rector Mykola Frolov an important issues of the university

December 19 ZNU Student Council met with representatives of the administration, during which discussed issues such as the combination of Mykola Frolov the Rector work and people's deputy of Ukraine work, changes in the assessment of student university budget transparency mechanisms charges of scholarships in the new law "On Higher education".
952 view
19.12.2014 15:24

At the Faculty of Physics was held a meeting of Young Physic's School

December 5 at the Faculty of Physics of Zaporizhzhya National University 40 students visited Young Physic's School, pupils from different schools of Polohivskii district.
746 view
05.12.2014 11:45

On the basis of ZNU was held regional stage of the table tennis competition

December 4 on the basis of ZNU was held regional competitions in table tennis among student teams of higher educational institutions of the 3rd-4th accreditation level. This year in it participated sportsmen of our city universities: Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Zaporozhye State Medical University, Classic Private University, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy and 2 teams from Zaporizhzhya National University.
866 view
05.12.2014 09:49

Students of ZNU was presented the international training program "The Erasmus Mundus project - ELECTRA"

December 4 in Zaporizhzhya National University was held a presentation of the international training program "The Erasmus Mundus project - ELECTRA" for students, postrgradutes and university teachers. Event organizers - representatives of the Department of International Relations and Work with Foreign Students of ZNU.
784 view
04.12.2014 14:54

At the Faculty of Law was held a business game

December 3 at the Law Faculty involving students of Magistracy was held business game "I want to register a legal entity". The moderators of the game were Dean of the Faculty, LL.D. Tetiana Kolomoiets and her Deputy, LL.D. Pavlo Liutikov.
757 view
04.12.2014 14:51

In the Scientific Library of ZNU was held a series of events for the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Holodomor in Ukraine

In pursuance of the order of the Department of Education and Science of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration from 11.11.2014 № 0696 "On Measures for the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Holodomor in Ukraine" during November in Zaporizhzhya National University was held a number of thematic educational activities to students about the terrible reminder page the history of our country that will never be forgotten. Effective participation in the organization and conduct of these activities were employees of the Scientific Library of ZNU.
676 view
04.12.2014 14:27

In ZNU was held elections of the Students' Council Head of the 4th hostel

December 4, in Zaporizhzhya National University was held elections of the Students' Council Head of the 4th hostel. Due to the fact that the previous head - 3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics Oleksii Hudenko - decided to resign, delegates from all floors of the hostel came together under the leadership of the Students' Council Head Olha Lebedeva to choose his successor.
706 view
04.12.2014 12:57
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