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Current changes in the economic situation of the country were discussed at the Faculty of Management

May 5 at the Faculty of Management of Zaporizhzhya National University was held a roundtable on "The impact of currency fluctuations on the foreign economic activity of enterprises in modern conditions".
280 view
08.05.2014 14:02

Congratulations on Victory Day!

Dear teachers, students and staff of Zaporizhzhya National University! We congratulate you on the remarkable holiday - Victory Day!
368 view
08.05.2014 14:00

Representatives of ZNU honored the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

May 8th in Zaporizhzhya in the square in front of the monument to tank crew of Hero of the Soviet Union Mykola Yatsenko was a solemn meeting dedicated to the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
340 view
08.05.2014 13:46

Flowerbed "Life, Peace and the Sun" appeared near the 3rd academic building of ZNU

Representatives of the Faculty of Biology of our university at the initiative of Dean of the Faculty Liudmyla Omelianchyk held a number of measures to the landscaping.
527 view
08.05.2014 13:44

SSA Faculty students held a webinar with representatives of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

April 7th at the initiative of 2nd year student of Social Sciences and Administration Faculty of specialty "Political Science" Yuliia Yurhina was held a webinar "The present political situation in Ukraine: myths and reality" with students of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The purpose of the event was to discuss the political situation in Ukraine, which has developed for today, and ways to overcome it.
995 view
08.05.2014 11:32

In ZNU students met with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the combatants in Afghanistan

May 7 to celebrate the Victory Day meeting between the student youth of Zaporizhzhya National University of Great Patriotic War veterans and veterans of the war in Afghanistan, which aims patriotic upbringing of the younger generation.
541 view
08.05.2014 10:33

Friendly match of mini-football between the teams of ZNU and the Faculty of Physical Education

In ZNU recently finished competition of a mini-soccer Rector's Cup, which brought together teams of Faculties of ZNU and Economics and Law College. A peculiar result of these traditional events become the friendly match between the football teams of the Faculty of Physical Education and students' team of ZNU, that was held 7 May in sports and recreation complex of our university.
489 view
08.05.2014 09:09
Pages : 1