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Students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages celebrate Thanksgiving Day

Students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages celebrate Thanksgiving Day

Cultural knowledge is an integral part of learning any language, a foreign language in particular. Students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages don’t miss the opportunity to join the customs and traditions of the countries whose languages they are studying.
591 view
28.11.2016 08:49
ZNU students learn English with the help of "Speaking Club of ZNU"

ZNU students learn English with the help of "Speaking Club of ZNU"

November 24, representatives of the International Sector of ZNU Student Council organized the meeting of "Speaking Club of ZNU" for students, which was held in the format of the game "Mafia".
802 view
28.11.2016 08:47
Creative work of Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan as viewed by students of Faculty of Foreign Languages

Creative work of Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan as viewed by students of Faculty of Foreign Languages

There are many interesting cultural and artistic traditions at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Zaporizhzhya National University. So, for several years in November the most creative students, under the guidance of associate professor of the Department of German Philology and Translation, the famous specialist in study of literature Valentyna Botner, prepare musical and dramatic performances dedicated to the Nobel Laureates in Literature.
687 view
28.11.2016 08:43
Pages : 1