From March 20 to April 30, on the Moodle platform of the Zaporizhzhia National University, 95 teachers of general secondary educational institutions and university teachers of Zaporizhzhia and the region successfully completed the online course "CLIL Methodology" and received certificates of professional development.
A new EU-funded project has kicked off. It aims to significantly improve the approaches to teaching languages with and through digital tools. The project aims in 3 years to update courses of methods of teaching languages and produce engaging digital courses to boost the language skills of the international students, staff, immigrants and everyone interested in these languages.
The representatives of the Department of Journalism of ZNU returned from Poznań (Poland), where the final meeting of the governing board of the international project of the European Union ERASMUS+KA2 "Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism" (DESTIN) was held at the Adam Mickiewicz University. The dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Viktor Kostyuk, and associate professors of the Department of Journalism, Yulia Liubchenko and Olena Usmanova represented ZNU team.
The Chair of Journalism of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU (Zaporizhzhia National University) continues to implement the international project "DESTIN" under the Erasmus + program (KA2: Capacity Building in Higher Education) "Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism".
Closer to the graduation, any Bachelor’s student of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU (Zaporizhzhia National University) surely asks himself or herself: what is next, where should I study, and whether it is worth it, after all? All these issues, directly or indirectly, relate to a Master's degree. Despite the fact that the history of the Master's level education in Ukraine is more than 20 years old, not everyone still has a clear idea of its pros and cons.
ZNU Journalism Faculty received a positive peer-review report from the DESTIN project panel, who peer-reviewed the updated BA and MA Journalism study programs in March. The peer-review visit was a planned step of realization of three-year Erasmus+ KA2 project DESTIN – Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism.
The Faculty of Law of ZNU (Zaporizhia National University) cooperate productively with Association of women-lawyers of Ukraine «Law firm», which is one of the first Associations of women-lawyers in Ukraine and it aims to become a platform for the exchange of experience, development and support of women in the legal career.
On April 22, the habitants of different countries celebrate World Earth Day. This is a holiday of unity of peoples of the planet for environmental protection and preservation of those riches and natural resources that nature has endowed us with. Professors and students of CEL (College of Economics and Law) ZNU did not stay away from this celebration.
The introduction of new library services simplifies the process of searching for information, makes it possible to quickly and efficiently satisfy the needs of students and scholars of the university. Today it is not necessary to come to the library premises to use its services. The library focuses on a remote user who can visit it at any time via the Internet.