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ZNU's Professional Management and Entrepreneurship: Development Trends Continues Its Strategic Development

ZNU's Professional Management and Entrepreneurship: Development Trends Continues Its Strategic Development

The electronic scientific professional edition «Management and Entrepreneurship: Trends of Development», established by the Department of Entrepreneurship, Organization Management and Logistics of the Faculty of Management of ZNU in 2017, traditionally demonstrates its high scientific level and ambitious plans. Last year, the status of the journal, as the authoritative periodical scientific publication, was confirmed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine by the inclusion in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in the economic sciences of category "B". Today the journal is presented in international scientometric databases: Index Copernicus, DOAJ, Ulrichs Web, WorldCat, ResearchBib, Сrossref, Google Scholar, Base and others.

757 view
23.04.2020 12:49
984 view
25.04.2019 10:33
Representatives of the German delegation of the municipality of Magdeburg took part in the excursion by the campus and got acquainted with the energy saving system of ZNU

Representatives of the German delegation of the municipality of Magdeburg took part in the excursion by the campus and got acquainted with the energy saving system of ZNU

On March 29, within the framework of cooperation between the cities of Zaporizhzhia, Magdeburg and Oberhausen in the field of energy efficiency, a delegation of representatives of the organization “Municipal partnership of cities of Ukraine and Germany” and Zaporizhzhia city council visited ZNU. There was organized a tour of the introduction to the system of energy efficiency and energy-saving technologies in the university.

488 view
05.04.2019 10:17
Management students met with employers

Management students met with employers

As part of the target faculty employment program, on February 8, a regular meeting of future management specialists took place with representatives of the Global Genesis group of companies Artur Harslian, founder of Global Genesis, and project manager Nadiia Kuzmychova.

722 view
11.02.2019 11:07
Masters of the Faculty of Management were solemnly awarded with diplomas

Masters of the Faculty of Management were solemnly awarded with diplomas

A solemn presentation of diplomas to graduate students took place on the Faculty of Management of Zaporizhzhia National University. This year, 92 graduates of the faculty received diplomas of masters in the following specialties: “Management of foreign economic activity”, “Management of organizations”, “Logistics”, “Business administration”, 16 diplomas were with honors. It was the 20th anniversary graduate of the Faculty.

724 view
06.02.2019 11:48
A contest of English presentations was held on the Faculty of Management

A contest of English presentations was held on the Faculty of Management

On November 26, young scientists of the Faculty of Management of ZNU demonstrated skills in conducting an English-language business presentation. The event was moderated by Natalia Naumova, associate professor of the Business Communication Department, and Andrii Kurhuzov, head of the Student Scientific Problem Group “Business Communication Problems in Management”.

585 view
29.11.2018 11:58
Students of the Faculty of Management met with representatives of the Ukrainian branch of the American company A1 Logistics

Students of the Faculty of Management met with representatives of the Ukrainian branch of the American company A1 Logistics

Within the framework of the target program for employment at the Faculty of Management, a regular meeting of future specialists with representatives of the Ukrainian branch of the A1 Logistics American Company - HR Manager Kateryna Kuzakina and Sales Manager Markos Arana Sanchez was held.

871 view
20.11.2018 15:40

At ZNU determined winners who received scholarships from the JSC "Zaporizhstal"

June 15th at the Museum of History and development of ZNU held a meeting of commission to determine the winners of the scholarship from the JSC "Zaporizhstal" with the participation of university leadership, faculties, Department of Educational work and representatives of "Zaporizhstal". The main purpose and task of the competition is to encourage young people to obtain higher education and new knowledge based on practical experience, to stimulate students to increase the level of its intellectual and social activity, promoting the formation of active life position, which will contribute to the development of Ukraine and Zaporizhzhya region.
862 view
15.06.2016 13:45

For students of the Faculty of Management held a presentation of the base of practice and job placement

Today, the Faculty of Management of ZNU visited the Executive Director of LLC (Limited liability company) "Electric drive" Yevhenii Dimitrov. He presented the students with masters in "Foreign Economic Activities", "Management" and "Logistics" activities of the company and spoke about the possibility of internships and employment at its base. The organizers of the meeting were experts of department of pre-university training, career counseling and job placement.
869 view
29.03.2016 11:29

Students of the Faculty of Management presented holiday for children

On December 15 students of the Faculty of Management of Zaporizhzhya National University held a social action "For every child - fairytale Mykolaichyk». They visited "Zaporizhzhya Special boarding school № 1" Zaporizhzhya Regional Council with colorful fairytale, concert program and gifts for kids.
925 view
17.12.2015 13:44
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