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Flesh Mob at SPP

25th of November is the International Day of Fighting Against Liquidation of the Women Violence. The students of the department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology organized the flesh mob to raise this problem in our society. They joined the international and all-Ukrainian action 16 Days Against Gender Violence, which is taking place from November, 25 till December, 10.
377 view
29.11.2011 11:44

Spiritual Music Concert in ZNU

On November 21th the students of ZNU visited the concert of the spiritual music of the band from Siberia and Far East «Golden Shore of the Exorbitant». Its musicians play the music of the spiritual master Shri Chinmoy.
393 view
22.11.2011 13:30

Trainings for Yerevan Art Academy Representatives

The trainings within the realization of the international project TEMPUS QATMI Control of the Quality of Education Internationalization have been finished in the Zaporizhzhya National University.
779 view
22.11.2011 13:00

Gala-Concert Closed Foreign Languages Festival

The Foreign Languages Festival organized by the Management Department's Chair of Business Communication finished in ZNU. During two weeks the students of the departments of Management, Biology, Economics, and Physical education were participating in the festival events. The gala concert closed the festival.
374 view
14.11.2011 10:47

Law Students Visited Dzherelo Rehabilitation Center

The students of the Law Department of Zaporizhzhya National University lead by Assistant Professor Mykola Martynov visited the rehabilitation center Spring (Dzherelo). They prepared the concert and sweets for the kids.
356 view
14.11.2011 10:32
Pages : 1