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ZNU Future Physicists Acquire First Skills

the second session of the Pology school of Young Physicist took place in ZNU today. High school pupils who wants to studying Physics, as well as their teachers visited ZNU Faculty of Physics.
402 view
25.01.2013 12:47

Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Congratulates Olena Bespalko on her Successfully Defended Ph.D. Candidate Thesis!

The defense took place on January 24, 2013 in specialty 10.01.04 – World Literature, scientific advisor – V. Botner.
Let fate sends you hapiness, good health and prosperity, faith, hope and love will be faithful companions on your life's journey!
224 view
25.01.2013 12:01

Congratulations on Students' Day!

We congratulate ZNU students on Students' Day!
226 view
25.01.2013 09:35
Pages : 1