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The 8th students' "Christmas Readings" gathered about 200 young scientists of the Faculty of Foreign Philology

On December 24 at the Faculty of Foreign Philology of Zaporizhzhya National University for the eighth time held a traditional scientific event - inter-university student conference "Christmas readings". This year to discuss topical issues of learning foreign languages, literature, translation and teaching methodology in schools have expressed a desire about 200 students and high school students in our region.
889 view
25.12.2015 11:52

At ZNU held workshop of the Goethe Institute

Faculty of Foreign Philology continues its cooperation with Goethe-Institut in Ukraine and conducting trainings, methodical and practical workshops. Recently, on the basis of our university with the assistance of representatives of the Institute of International Education Institute CIVIC conducted a series of workshops for students, teachers, and lecturers on the topic "Europe? I want to know!".
568 view
07.12.2015 09:59

Students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages visited the Khortickiy National Education and Rehabilitation Academy

December 2nd creative team of students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages took part in a charity concert meeting dedicated to the International Day of Disabled Persons, held in Khortickiy National Education and Rehabilitation Academy. The students presented the audience a song “La Seine” in performance Alisa Kryvosheieva and choreographic composition "Hug me" presented by Marharyta Zubchevska, Olha Katrusha, Karyna Kozachenko, Anastasiia Osypenko.
523 view
03.12.2015 12:05

Students of ZNU - among the winners of the International Festival "Dyvosvit"

Winners of the annual International Charity Festival of children and youth creativity and talent "Wonderful World" were four students of Zaporizhzhya National University, pupils of vocal studio "Kantylena" (director - Nataliia Pyrih) was organized by International "Center" World Through the Eyes of Children", with the assistance of the Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Zaporizhzhya City Council and the Department of Culture, Tourism, Nationalities and Religions of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration.
855 view
30.11.2015 15:07

Students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology received a letter from Nobel laureate Svitlana Alexievich

На адресу студентів факультету іноземної філології Запорізького національного університету надійшов лист-подяка від лауреата Нобелівської премії в номінації «Література» за 2015 рік, відомої білоруської письменниці та публіциста Світлани Алексієвич. Світлана Олександрівна подякувала представникам молоді нашого університету за їхню активність, відзначила, що їм пощастило з викладачами та побажала їм щастя.
474 view
30.11.2015 12:03

ZNU teachers help school children to prepare for EIT in foreign language

Faculty of Foreign Philology of Zaporizhzhya National University introduced a new form of work with high school students. The project "Test & Tips": an objective assessment of the achievements of the foreign language", which is implemented jointly with the Information and Analytical Methodical center of the Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Zaporizhzhya City Council, will help every high school student to determine the level of foreign language and orient future entrants for further training EIT writing test.
516 view
22.09.2015 14:06

Teachers of ZNU received the Graduate Certificates in Foreign Languages

June 22, teachers of Zaporizhzhya National University received the Graduate Certificates in English, German and French Languages by Foreign Language Intensive Study Center, School of pedagogical experiences and Faculty of Foreign Languages.
624 view
23.06.2015 09:18

Students of ZNU visited Youth Forum program "Zavtra.UA"

From 17 until 19 of June in Kiev held 8th Youth Forum Scolarship program "Zavtra.UA" Viktor Pinchuk Fund. This year's event whipped up more than 300 students from the whole country, including  winners and graduates the educational programs of the Fund: nationwide scholarship support program of talented youth "Zavtra.UA" and educational program for a Master's degree at the best universities of the world "Worldwide Studios". Among the hundreds of winners – 3 students of Zaporizhzhya National University, which also visited festive event: Yaroslav Vovk (Faculty of Economics), Oleksandr Korobov (Faculty of Economics), Tetiana Fanahei (Faculty of Foreign Languages).
635 view
22.06.2015 13:51

Students Faculty of Foreign Languages will work in summer language camps of Zaporizhzhya

The 3rd year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Zaporizhzhya National University in June will work on a volunteer basis in summer language camps of Zaporizhzhya. The initiative of this honorable mission belongs to Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and organizer of the project stands in Zaporizhzhya Department of Education and Science of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration in cooperation with communal institution "Zaporizhzhya regional center of tourism and study of local lore of students" of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council. Yesterday, May 25, at the faculty held methodical seminar where students acquainted with their future responsibilities and received useful information on the organization of language classes for students.
704 view
26.05.2015 10:04

Poems of Young Poets Listened Zaporizhzhya ZNU Writers

On May 15 began a literary evening with these lines of great Ukrainian poetess Lina Kostenko: "Poetry - is always originality, a touch of the immortal soul ..." at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of ZNU.
578 view
18.05.2015 13:43
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