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The fifth ZNU Project is among Project-winners of EU Erasmus + Program

The fifth ZNU Project is among Project-winners of EU Erasmus + Program

International project activity is one of the priorities in the development of Zaporizhzhia National University. International vector has been fully encouraged and supported by the management of the university, in particular, Rector Mykola Frolov. Gennadii Vasylchuk, Vice-rector for scientific research, and Yurii Kaganov, Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, provide general coordination and support for HEI’s scholars in the implementation of their plans. As a result, ZNU has proved once again its potential internationally: consortium of Ukrainian and international HEI partners is among project-winners of the call 2019 in the field of Development of Higher Education Potential of the European Union Program, Erasmus +, that will implement the program «Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine's Multilingual Education and European Integration »(610427-EPP-1-2019-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).

845 view
07.08.2019 14:03
Gifted youth realize the need to learn foreign languages

Gifted youth realize the need to learn foreign languages

Recently, there has been a meeting of Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of German Philology and Translation of Zaporizhzhia National University Oleksandra Nikolova with students of Zaporizhzhia and Zaporizhzhia region “Summer School of JAS for gifted youth”.

649 view
25.06.2019 12:26
Додати переклад : Близько 150 абітурієнтів складали ЗНО з англійської мови на базі ЗНУ

Додати переклад : Близько 150 абітурієнтів складали ЗНО з англійської мови на базі ЗНУ

В Україні триває основна сесія зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання. Двадцять восьмого травня вступники складали ЗНО з англійської мови. Запорізький національний університет традиційно став пунктом проведення зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання. Цього дня до нього завітали 147 випускників закладів середньої освіти м. Запоріжжя.

835 view
29.05.2019 11:35
Faculty of Foreign Philology was visited by a professor-volunteer Kiron Rid, who has been fruitfully cooperating with ZNU for a long time

Faculty of Foreign Philology was visited by a professor-volunteer Kiron Rid, who has been fruitfully cooperating with ZNU for a long time

The visit of Kiron John Rid, Professor at the University of Liverpool in Zaporizhzhia National University as a professor-volunteer and guest of honor completed. For five years Mr. Rid has been fruitfully cooperating with our university and the faculties of foreign philology, journalism and the law faculty in particular. Having a legal specialty, he not only gives lectures to law students, but as a native speaker he moderates practical English lessons for students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology; he is also an active participant in conversational clubs, scientific conferences, and various student activities.

635 view
24.05.2019 11:57
Mrs. Alisa Kanuni completed the internship on the Faculty of Foreign Philology

Mrs. Alisa Kanuni completed the internship on the Faculty of Foreign Philology

According to the agreement between the French Embassy in Ukraine and ZNU, from March 4 to May 17, Alisa Kanuni, she is a second-level postgraduate student of the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, an intern in the specialty “Language teaching methods - engineering training”.

559 view
23.05.2019 15:28
There was an international exam PTE which determines the level of knowledge of English on the basis of Faculty of Foreign Philology

There was an international exam PTE which determines the level of knowledge of English on the basis of Faculty of Foreign Philology

On May 18, the International Examination of PTE (Pearson Test of English), which is recognized by employers and educational institutions in many countries, was held on the basis of the Faculty of Foreign Philology of Zaporizhzhia National University. This test, confirming the level of knowledge of English, is indefinite. It means that after passing it once, a person forever confirms their level of proficiency in the language.

586 view
20.05.2019 13:11
Student activists organized an English-language debate club

Student activists organized an English-language debate club

English-language debate club “Foreign Languages Debate Club” (FLDC) worked very fruitfully at the university in this semester. 5 debates were held, 4 of which were held in the American format - 4 people, one - in the British format - 8 people.

595 view
06.05.2019 11:29
Director of the Association "French without Borders" Benjamin Beckner gave a lecture to the students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology

Director of the Association "French without Borders" Benjamin Beckner gave a lecture to the students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology

Students of Zaporizhzhia and professors of the Faculty of Foreign Philology of ZNU continue fruitful cooperation with French colleagues in the fields of education, culture and linguistics. On March 22, the faculty was visited by the director of the organization “French without Borders” (Lyon, France), Benjamin Beckner, who gave a lecture to students on the interaction and interdependence of French and English.  It should be noted that this organization has been successfully cooperating with Zaporizhzhia National University since 2010, and work in this direction continues further.

652 view
25.03.2019 10:02
The 1st Ukrainian-Polish International Web Conference «Language, culture, communication the expanding intellectual space» was held in ZNU

The 1st Ukrainian-Polish International Web Conference «Language, culture, communication the expanding intellectual space» was held in ZNU

The 1st Young Researchers’ International Web Conference «Language, Culture, Communication the Expanding Intellectual Space» was held at the Faculty of Foreign Philology on March 20, 2019. Organized by Zaporizhzhia National University, Polonia University (Czestochowa, Poland) and Lviv State University of Life Safety, it was a successful startup of collaboration between ZNU, other Ukrainian and Polish Universities. The Conference welcomed over 60 participants from various regions of Ukraine:Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchaiev, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, among them.

772 view
21.03.2019 12:58
Pages : 1 2