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News 131-140 ( news found : 174 )

In Economics and Law College of ZNU was held a meeting of philological sciences section

March 19 in Economics and Law College of Zaporizhzhya National University as part of the scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "Young Science 2014" was held a working meeting of philological sciences section. The work took place in two areas - literary criticism and linguistic.
335 view
20.03.2014 14:24

In Economics and Law College of ZNU was held a meeting of Foreign Languages Section

March 18 Economics and Law College of Zaporizhzhya National University in the framework of scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "Young Science 2014" was held a meeting of Foreign Languages Section​​.
300 view
19.03.2014 13:45

In Economics and Law College of ZNU began scientific-practical conference "Young Science 2014"

March 17, in Economics and Law College of Zaporizhzhya National University launched a traditional annual scientific conference of students and young scientists "Young Science 2014". The conference will be held in the college of ten sessions. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee - responsible for the scientific work of ELC, college teacher Maksym Nosyk.
296 view
18.03.2014 09:59

On the basis of ELC were held of regional Olympiads on mathematics and the Ukrainian language

March 15 on the basis of College of Economics and Law of ZNU were held just two Olympiads - IV All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the Ukrainian language and VI All-Ukrainian Olympiad on mathematics among students of higher educational institutions of I-II accreditation levels of Zaporizhzhya and Zaporizhzhya region. Program of measures were envisaged grand opening and implementation of tasks by students as well - meeting of sections of educational institutions teachers-participants.
449 view
17.03.2014 13:21

In ELC was held a solemn closure of decade of the popularization of publishing and editing

March 14 in Economics and Law College was held a solemn closure of decade of the popularization of publishing and editing, which was attended by the Director of College Olena Hrybanova, deputy director Olena Artemenko, the teachers of Publishing and Editing Department of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU Halyna Mykytiv and Nataliia Romaniuk, as well as students of 2nd and 3rd year of a specialty "Publishing and Editing".
453 view
17.03.2014 12:40

Prospective publishers-editors celebrated 440th anniversary of the first printed book

Within decades of popularization publishing and editing, 2nd year students of Economics and Law College of specialty "Publishing and Editing" was held a round table on "The emergence of literacy". The event was dedicated to the 440 th anniversary of the publication of the first printed book in our country - "The Apostle" of Ivan Fedorov (Lviv).
328 view
17.03.2014 11:28

The editorial team of students publishers ELC presented their own newspaper

March 13, within a decade of popularization publishing and editing in Economics and Law College of ZNU, students of group K 33-11 and representatives of the Department of Publishing and Editing of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU, was held a business game "Creating your own print edition".
305 view
14.03.2014 16:51

Students ELC conducted a scientific and methodological workshop

March 5th 3rd year students of the specialty "Publishing and Editing" of Economics and Law College within the decade of popularization of their specialty, was held a a scientific and methodological workshop "Operation of Ukrainian publishing terminology at the beginning of 19th century", under the direction of associate professor of Publishing and Editing Department of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU Inna Horbenko.
323 view
06.03.2014 12:19

Students publishers of Economics and Law College of ZNU touched the rare publications

3 March 3rd year students of Economics and Law College of specialty "Publishing and Editing" within the decade of popularization specialty with teachers of the Department of Publishing and Editing of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU Inna Horbenko and Halyna Mykytiv visited Zaporizhzhya Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A.M. Gorky, whose history began 110 years ago.
430 view
05.03.2014 09:42

Students of Economics and Law College of ZNU acquainted with publishing activity of Taras Shevchenko

On March 4, in Economics and Law College of Zaporizhzhya National University was held a roundtable on "Publishing activity of Taras Shevchenko", dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the poet.
345 view
04.03.2014 15:13
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