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News 161-170 ( news found : 297 )

ZNU Students Participate in Developing the Conception of Ukrainian Student Self-Governance

On May 26th at the tourist base of Zaporizhzhya National University on the Khortitsa Island there was the scientific and practical seminar "Student Self-Governance: State, Achievements, Perspectives". The seminar organizers were the Ukrainian Association of Self-Governance and ZNU.
385 view
28.05.2010 15:29

Winners of the University Talents Contest

2On May 25th the results of the contest "University of Talents" were announced. The contest was devoted to the 80th anniversary of ZNU. The Rector Sergiy Tymchenko expressed the intension to make it annual.
359 view
27.05.2010 15:17

Round Table Devoted to SPAS Fighting Art

On May 18th there was the traditional round table discussion named "The Cossacks’ Fighting Art SPAS" organized by Scientific Society of Students and Graduates and Cossacks Students Fraternity.
365 view
26.05.2010 15:09

ZNU Is One of the Best Rating Says

Before the universities entering campaign the magazine "Correspondent" and the newspaper "Comments" published the rating of the Ukrainian higher educational establishments. In the magazine's rating ZNU was 21st out of 30, and in the newspaper's one - 25th out 30. The main rating criterion was the employers' interest to a university's alumni.
317 view
21.05.2010 15:02

Theatrical Presentation of Vitaliy Volovyk's Book

What similar is between one of heads of the Sevastopol armed revolt of 1905 Petr Shmidt and Professor, Chair Head of Social Philosophy and Administration of the Department of Sociology and Administration? The answer to this question was shown on May 20th.
349 view
21.05.2010 14:49

To Be Successful Person is Taught in ZNU

On May 18th in Zaporizhzhya National University the "School of the Successful Person" started its work. Its organizer is charity fund "Patriot of Zaporizhzhya". The first guest was Evgen Chernyak and the first moderator - famous journalist Mustapha Naem. It is planned to make the school work on the regular basis.
330 view
19.05.2010 14:31

Rector Appealed to Students' Cooperation

The Zaporizhzhya National University's students are the best! The Rector assured everybody in it at the Student Council meeting, which occurred on May 18th.
342 view
19.05.2010 14:18

Europe in Several Pavilions

On May 15th in front of the 2nd building of ZNU there was the celebration of the Europe Day 2010. It is the 4th time in a row ZNU celebrates the holiday. The International Department of ZNU organizes it annually.
369 view
18.05.2010 18:32

Zaporizhzhya Students Applied for EU Entering

On April 15th there was the role play game "Ukraine's Entering to EU: Application Contest". The students of Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University and Classical Private University participated in the event.
368 view
17.05.2010 17:56

Finished the Conference "Scientific Potential of Zaporizhzhya National University and the ways of Its Development"

This year the event was devoted not only to the Science Day, celebrated on May 15th, but also to the 80th anniversary of ZNU creation. During three days the leading scientists of the University were discussing and analyzing their work of this academic year, and defining the further perspectives of development.
218 view
17.05.2010 17:41
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