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Jean Monnet Erasmus+ project coordinators took part in a webinar for the winners of the 2020 competition

Jean Monnet Erasmus+ project coordinators took part in a webinar for the winners of the 2020 competition

On the third of December, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine hosted a webinar «Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project Winners' Day: How to successfully implement a project» on the platform of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine. The event was aimed at Jean Monnet project implementers: teams of winning projects in 2020, coordinators of current projects, Erasmus+ coordinators in the international relations departments of higher education institutions, their accountants and financial managers.

161 view
07.12.2020 08:42
MultiEd Online Seminar for Teachers

MultiEd Online Seminar for Teachers

The autumn semester of this academic year at ZNU marked active work within the framework of the implementation of European of Erasmus + KA2 projects like the MultiEd / "Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration". Within its action plan there has been done considerable amount of work so far, despite the unfavorable circumstances of the global coronavirus pandemic. Thus, in September-October, the interim results of the study of the state of multilingual education in ZNU were processed, which will soon be finalized in the report. The project partnership holds regular zoom meetings, where they discuss important issues of procuring the equipment, organizing study meetings and seminars, planning work for 2021.

949 view
02.11.2020 16:26
The Faculty of Journalism continues to work on the Erasmus + KA2 project DESTIN

The Faculty of Journalism continues to work on the Erasmus + KA2 project DESTIN

Among current priorities of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU (Zaporizhzhia National University) is the development of international projects and activities as well as the modernization of educational programs for the training of journalists. An important component of such activities is the active participation of the Faculty's staff and students in the implementation of the Erasmus+ project (KA2: Capacity Building in Higher Education) «Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism / DESTIN».

206 view
16.10.2020 15:30
ZNU teachers study Content and Language Integrated Learning Methodology in the framework of the international project MultiEd

ZNU teachers study Content and Language Integrated Learning Methodology in the framework of the international project MultiEd

Zaporizhzhia National University continues to implement the international educational project MultiEd “Development of foreign language teacher training potential as a way to implement multilingual education and European integration of Ukraine” under the Erasmus + KA2 program.

913 view
02.07.2020 10:42
ZNU reported on the implementation of the MultiEd project during National Erasmus+ Office preventive monitoring

ZNU reported on the implementation of the MultiEd project during National Erasmus+ Office preventive monitoring

On June 15, a preventive monitoring was conducted online under the leadership of the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine team – Svitlana Shytikova, Erasmus Project Coordinator, Zhanna Talanova, Analytical Expert, Ivana Atamanchuk, Project Monitoring Expert and Veronika Tkachenko, Administrative Expert. Ukrainian partners participated in the monitoring mission were representatives Zaporizhzhia National University, Mykolaiiv National University, Cherkasy National University, Poltava National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv National University, Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Precarpathian National University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and All-Ukrainian Association of English Teachers "TESOL - Ukraine". The purpose of the monitoring was to check the project implementation process, achieved results, and provide recommendations for further cooperation. Given the recommendations and requirements of the ЕАСЕА for the monitoring of NEOs and the need for it to be conducted online, the partners sent their presentations for preliminary study, and during the online session they were discussed.

1020 view
23.06.2020 09:45


Video meeting "Nearness in Times of Distance" took place, during which representatives of Universities in five countries shared their professional and personal experiences on the situation of the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine. All participants of the event are long-term partners of Zaporizhzhia National University (ZNU).

1159 view
03.06.2020 13:20
Journalism Faculty invites graduates with Bachelor’s degrees to apply for updated Master’s Program

Journalism Faculty invites graduates with Bachelor’s degrees to apply for updated Master’s Program

Closer to the graduation, any Bachelor’s student of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU (Zaporizhzhia National University) surely asks himself or herself: what is next, where should I study, and whether it is worth it, after all? All these issues, directly or indirectly, relate to a Master's degree. Despite the fact that the history of the Master's level education in Ukraine is more than 20 years old, not everyone still has a clear idea of its pros and cons.

1089 view
01.06.2020 14:57
MultiEd team discussed current issues at the working meeting

MultiEd team discussed current issues at the working meeting

Eventually the quarantine is being weakening in Zaporizhzhia National University and international projects activities are going back into active phase. Thus, the MultiEd project team, which is a national coordinator of this Erasmus+ KA2 project, gathered for a working meeting led by Vice-Rector Gennadiy Vasylchuk.

837 view
01.06.2020 11:07
Partners of Erasmus+ КА2 ProjectMultiEdparticipate in online Curriculum Development Seminar during quarantine

Partners of Erasmus+ КА2 ProjectMultiEdparticipate in online Curriculum Development Seminar during quarantine

Within the international Erasmus+ КА2 CBHE Project «ForeignLanguageTeacherTrainingCapacityDevelopmentasaWaytoUkraine’sMultilingualEducationandEuropeanIntegration» (MultiEd – project number610427-EE-2019-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) ZNU teachers will study on Moodle platform of Tartu University (Estonia)from May 19 until June 20 2020.

924 view
27.05.2020 14:19
European experts approved updated ZNU study programs in Journalism

European experts approved updated ZNU study programs in Journalism

ZNU Journalism Faculty received a positive peer-review report from the DESTIN project panel, who peer-reviewed the updated BA and MA Journalism study programs in March. The peer-review visit was a planned step of realization of three-year Erasmus+ KA2 project DESTIN – Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism.

1209 view
26.05.2020 11:59
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