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In ZNU was held a methodological workshop in biology for school teachers

On the basis of the Biological Faculty of ZNU was held the second in this academic year methodological practice-oriented workshop for teachers on "Algorithms for solving problems of high complexity in chemistry and biology in preparation of students to Ukrainian students". Took part in it more than 70 teachers of chemistry and biology of Zaporizhzhya schools.
475 view
27.11.2014 14:44

The writer Hromovytsia Berdnyk told ZNU students about her outstanding father Oles Berdnyk

On the basis of the Scientific Library of Zaporizhzhya National University regularly hold meetings of students and teachers of our university with famous writers and scientists, public figures. During such events everyone interested can talk with prominent personalities, learn more about their life and work, ask questions. Thus, on November 26, ZNU visited writer and public figure Hromovytsia Berdnyk, daughter of the famous writer and poet, artist, human rights activist, founder of the NGO "Ukrainian spiritual republic" Oles Berdnyk. During the event, she and her associates told our students about life, dreams, aspirations and achievements of this remarkable individual.
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27.11.2014 11:22

In ZNU was held the third round of the Cup on minifootball dedicated to the memory of Viacheslav Tolok

November 26 in sports and recreation complex of Zaporizhzhya National University, was held the third and the final round of the traditional tournament on mini-football, dedicated to the memory of the former Rector of ZNU (1984-2003), Professor Viacheslav Tolok.
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27.11.2014 09:44

At the Faculty of Foreign Languages was held Spanish poetry evening

November 26, students and teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Zaporizhzhya National University gathered at a poetry event dedicated to creators of the whole generation of Spanish poetry. It involved not only the teachers of the Department of Romance Philology of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and students of ZNU specialty "Spanish language and literature", but also foreign Hispanic students.
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27.11.2014 09:42

Gender Forum Members - 2014 developed a comprehensive approach to the prevention of family violence

November 25 at the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology of Zaporizhzhya National University under the Gender Forum - 2014 National Campaign "Stop Violence!" and of "16 Days Against Violence" was held round table "Comprehensive approach to the prevention of family violence." The roundtable made by the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology of Zaporizhzhya National University, Department of Pedagogics and Psychology of Education of ZNU, Gender Resource Center, Center for Gender Education, Zaporizhzhya women's organization "Center for Civic and Social Initiatives" and the Department of Social Welfare of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration.
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26.11.2014 11:54

Students of ZNU held a charity auction for dating

November 25 asset of the Students' Council of the Faculty of Physical Education with the support of Cultural Center organized in Zaporizhzhya National University of original social action to help children - charity auction dates. During the event, students collected nearly 1,300 UAH which they will spend for conducting the New Year holiday in one of the city's orphanages.
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26.11.2014 11:15

ZNU Students' Spartakiad continues competition in volleyball

November 25 in the sports hall of the 2nd academic building was held a final meeting of ZNU male volleyball teams of all Faculties within ZNU Students' Spartakiad. The victory took primacy in volleyball studentship of the Faculty of Economics. The second was the team of Mathematics, third place - the Faculty of Physics.
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26.11.2014 11:00

Student of ELC Edmond Yesayan received the Gold Award of All-Ukrainian boxing tournament

November 24 was held All-Ukrainian boxing tournament for the Cup of JSC "Motor Sich" among juniors 1999-2000 years of birth and youth 2000-2001 years of birth in the weight category of 70 kg.
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26.11.2014 09:41

Head of the Students' Council of the Faculty of Philology was sophomore Andrii Luchyshyn

November, 25 the conference was organized Students' Council of the Faculty of Philology, during which held a debate between candidates for the post of the head of Students' Council and elected head of the Faculty Students' Government. It was second-year student Andrii Luchyshyn.
668 view
25.11.2014 15:53

Activating the role of legal clinics under difficult circumstances of today

20-21 November at the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" held scientific and training workshop on "Enhancing the role of legal clinics in today's challenging environment", which was organized by the Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. From the Faculty of Law of Zaporizhzhya National University, attended the workshop Associate Professor of the Constitutional and labor law Mykhailo Vikhliayev.
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25.11.2014 13:49
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