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At the Faculty of Journalism held a round table discussion with experts on media education of Lviv

On November 27 at the Faculty of Journalism held a meeting with representatives of the Lviv School of Journalism - an Associate Professor of New Media Department of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Natalia Gabor, Journalist Scientist of the Institute of Ecology and Mass Information of Ivan Franko LNU, Pavlo oleksandrov. During the meeting with the teachers of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU and media representatives of Zaporizhzhya they discussed the topic "Media Enlightment of Current Mass Media".
746 view
30.11.2015 15:00

Students of ZNU joined the action on Day of Holodomor victims

November 28 to mark the nationwide day of memory of victims of Holodomor and political repressions victims of Ukrainian mention in 1932-1933. On this day in all cities of Ukraine took place the sad event.
523 view
30.11.2015 14:58

At the Faculty of SPP has completed National Conference on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Acting Department

For two days at ZNU held Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Strategy of training and aesthetic education of future actors in the third millennium", dedicated to the 15th anniversary of Acting Department of the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology of Zaporizhzhya National University. During the second day of its copyright held several workshops and presentations of scientists and activists theater and concert from grateful students of the department.
777 view
30.11.2015 14:48

Students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology received a letter from Nobel laureate Svitlana Alexievich

На адресу студентів факультету іноземної філології Запорізького національного університету надійшов лист-подяка від лауреата Нобелівської премії в номінації «Література» за 2015 рік, відомої білоруської письменниці та публіциста Світлани Алексієвич. Світлана Олександрівна подякувала представникам молоді нашого університету за їхню активність, відзначила, що їм пощастило з викладачами та побажала їм щастя.
493 view
30.11.2015 12:03

Cooperation of JSC "Motor Sich" and Foreign Languages Intensive Study Centre of ZNU

The corporate form of teaching foreign languages gaining popularity among companies of Zaporizhzhya. Thus, one of the most powerful companies in the city of Zaporizhzhya, JSC "Motor Sich" cares about improving their foreign language specialists, especially translation corps. Currently, JSC "Motor Sich" establish cooperation with Latin America, and thus arose the need for qualified translators in Spanish.
432 view
30.11.2015 11:59

At ZNU held a working meeting of the Coordinating Council of Scientific Society of Students and Postgraduates, Postdoctoral Students and Young Scientists

Last week at Zaporizhzhya National University held a working meeting of the Coordinating Council of Scientific Society of Students and Postgraduates, Postdoctoral Students and Young Scientists with Vice-Rector for Science and Research Gennadiy Vasylchuk.
587 view
30.11.2015 10:31

Representatives of the teaching staff invited experts to the Scientific Council of Education of Ukraine

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved the new composition of sections for professional directions of the Scientific Council. By the way, in many sections of the rotation of staff was quite noticeable. In particular, their work attracted nine representatives of Zaporizhzhya National University, who have already participated in the first meetings of the new line.
302 view
30.11.2015 10:26

At the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology held a round table for future teachers

On November 28 at the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology of Zaporizhzhya National University held a roundtable "Actual Problems of Psychology". Also, the event was attended by students of the Faculty of Philology. The meeting consisted of two parts: first, the participants discussed topical issues of psychological service of education, and defended student research projects of psychological and educational issues.
700 view
30.11.2015 10:14

Students of Economics and Law College honor Holodomor victims

On November 27 students of ELC of Zaporizhzhya National University within a week commemorating the Holodomor victims had a "Lesson of Holodomor victims of 1932-1933". For students held a lecture Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Faculty of History of ZNU Roman Moldovskyi.
538 view
30.11.2015 09:50

At ZNU investigate problems and prospects of development of scientific, medical and pharmaceutical sciences

On 27 November at ZNU started the IV Regional Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Actual problems and prospects of development of scientific, medical and pharmaceutical sciences". The participants were 124 young scientists, including representatives of our university, Zaporizhzhya State Medical University and Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy.
669 view
30.11.2015 09:39
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