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News 1-10 ( news found : 214 )

Representatives of ZNU took part in opening the monument to victims of the Famine and Stalinism

In the framework of all-Ukrainian actions of commemoration victims of the Famine of 1932-33 in Zaporizhzhya was opened the monument to victims of the Famine and Stalinism
773 view
29.12.2007 11:53

Round table “Myths of Ecology”

Today in Zaporizhzhya national university the round table in topic “Myths of Ecology” took place, in which participated 121 persons.
768 view
26.12.2007 15:34

The bus of New Year Wishes in ZNU

On the eve of New Year and Christmas parties Grandfather Frost and his grandchild came to our university congratulate our students on New Year holidays.
1124 view
26.12.2007 13:36

Mini-Football battles for children

Last saturday in Zaporizhzhya national university final matches in mini-football of the first charitable tournament for children-orphans to the bowl of rector of ZNU. Initiators of games became Zaporizhzhya regional fegeration of football, Association of mini-football with the support of All-ukrainian joint-stock bank VAB.
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25.12.2007 13:35

Faculty of social pedagogy and psychology celebrated the 16-th anniversary

The staff of the faculty came to the celebration of their birthday profoundly and held a number of interesting actions: round tables «Social partnership of the faculty SPP» and «Actual problems of psychology», the session of the psychological club «Insight», delivered a lecture for school graduates “The way to self-investigation” and many others.
683 view
22.12.2007 13:33

Championship of the Club of Humor to the bowl of rector

In Zaporizhzhya national university passed games of the 1/4 closed championship of the Club of Humor of ZNU to the bowl of rector. During two days (19 and 20 December) 10 teams from different faculties contended in three contests: Greeting, Training and «Biatlon».
719 view
21.12.2007 13:32

New Year ball for school graduates

According to tradition, the faculty of preliminary preparation organized the Rector New Year ball for schoolchildren – future students of ZNU.
788 view
20.12.2007 11:02

Championship in mini-football

On December 18 championship in mini-football the Bowl of the Rector finished.
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19.12.2007 11:01

Session of All-Ukrainian law school in administrative proceedings

The law faculty of Zaporizhzhya national university and Zaporizhzhya center of league of students of Association of lawyers of Ukraine organized All-Ukrainian law school in administrative proceedings, that on December 13-15 gathered more than thirty students from leading universities of our country.
772 view
17.12.2007 11:00

Press-Conference of sisters Telniuk in ZNU

In Zaporizhzhya national university press-conference of Galina and Lesya Telniuk in framework of the charitable action «Literary-musical project TELNIUK: sisters» was held. It was organized by the Department of education and the science of Zaporizhzhya municipal rada, by the charitable fund «Unity» for future» and the Theater of author song.
832 view
17.12.2007 10:55
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