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ZNU Press Centre News / News / ZNU Students Watched International Documentary Film Festival

ZNU Students Watched International Documentary Film Festival

03.11.2011 11:22 All Faculties Law Юридичний факультет Економіко-правничий коледж Круглий стіл право Міжнародний відділ Міжнародна співпраця фестиваль

Traditionally on October there are presentations of the winners of the festival of the documentary films about human rights Docudays UA-2011 in the Ukrainian cities. The travel festival came to Zaporizhzhya too. The films are shown at the city cinemas and at the universities, schools, clubs, and libraries. The lawyers and artists meet youth after the films viewing for the further discussions.

On October 30 the conference "Human Rights" and the films showing took place at the Oblast Youth Center. The law students of ZNU visited it.
The students watched the film "Smelling Cargo" (USA). It was about the trafficking of the toxic waste of the oil trade company "Trafigure" from the USA to Africa. The African countries are in danger because of this toxic pollution. This is the dangerous tendency that can spread all over the world.
The showing of these films will take place in over 120 Ukrainian cities and towns. The program is supported by the UNESCO.

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