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ZNU Press Centre News / News / The First Qualifying Round of "Freshman Dancing Flash Mob" has Started at ZNU

The First Qualifying Round of "Freshman Dancing Flash Mob" has Started at ZNU

15.10.2012 13:31 Флешмоб першокурсники Центр культурно-масової роботи

Today is the first day of the "Freshman Dancing Flash Mob 2012" at ZNU. The organizers – ZNU Center for Cultural Work and Student Council – conduct second consecutive event. Flash mobs were gained popularity and become favorite dance activities among the students since than. Now, there is no big celebration without them in our university.

The jury: President of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Branch of the Association of Contemporary and Pop Dance, International Judge Evgen Omelchenko, Artistic Director of the National Theater of Modern Dance "Phoenix", Director of the Center for Work with Gifted Youth Snijana Lobodyuk, Choreographer of the National Theater of Modern Dance "Phoenix", Master of Sports in artistic gymnastics Gnat Selionov and Director of the Sports and Dance Club "Victoria" Miroslava Popova. You can vote for the best team on the vk-group: battl zp
The Physical, Historical and Biological Faculties performed today. There was no main dance theme, so freshmen had the opportunity to demonstrate their own imagination. However, the representatives of two faculties have chosen the same dance theme - Pioneers.
Tomorrow, during the big break we'll be able to see the dance performances of the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Management and SPP Faculty.

Olena Hlistun

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