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In Zaporizhzhya National University held Donor Day

10.04.2013 16:08 Відділ виховної роботи Санаторій-профілакторій День донора

April 10 at the sanatorium-dispensary Zaporizhzhya National University held Donor Day. The event was organized educational department of Zaporizhzhya National University.

Despite a number of reasons why young people often refuse to become donors, many students expressed a desire to contribute to this noble cause. It showed a great turn of wanting to donate blood in the corridors of the university building 6 Zaporizhzhya National University. According to the chief educational work Students Svetlana Kodratenko, all in action was attended by 100 students and staff of Zaporizhzhya National University, but was wanting much more. Some students were denied due to health, a low hemoglobin level or the low weight (50 pounds). The most active donors turned out to students Mathematics (23 representatives), Faculty of Physics (13 members), Faculty of Sociology and Management (12 members) and the Faculty of Philology (10 members).
Also took part in the event and staff Students: Dean of the Faculty of Physics Anatoly Dobrun, representatives of the Legal Department of Zaporizhzhya National University Konstantin Borisov and Viktoria Drobin.
All participants received this good cause exemption from work or studies for two days, as well as compensation in the amount of 37 USD and 15 cents. In addition, all donors examined free of charge to detect antibodies to HIV-AIDS (with the possibility of obtaining a certificate for traveling abroad), hepatitis viruses, complex serological tests for syphilis and took the liver function tests.They also have an entry in the passport data on blood group and Rh accessories, free advice therapist and dermato-venereology and offers free treatment (if necessary) components and blood products.
Results were collected about 25 liters of blood. Half of the collected blood will be given to help students of biological faculty of Zaporizhzhya National University Alexander Boiko, who recently had surgery, and the other half - in the treatment of other residents of our city.

Olena Yaroshenko

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