June 3 in Ukraine started regular season of External independent testing for high school graduates in 2014. Substantive session of External independent testing in 2014 began with examination of foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish). Like many years running, EIT point in our city was expanded and on the basis of Zaporizhzhya National University. So, yesterday our university visited 300 future students.
This time, as in previous years in ZNU had pre-prepared list of EIT participants and the classroom fund designed to accept high school students, on the floors are relevant indicators. Overall ZNU representatives did their best to start External independent testing session was held clearly and consistently, in accordance with all rules established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
In the morning held an organizational meeting of Head of the Preparatory Department, responsible for EIT point in Zaporizhzhya National University Iryna Bakalenko with the composition of its staff. They considered issues related to the distribution of audiences duty on floors, preparedness consultants, etc.
For the tests of foreign language involved 20 classrooms. Before the EIT occurred advice for test participants and their parents about the availability of documents (certificate of Independent external testing, passport or other document, series and number of which are listed in the certificate, an invitation-admission), and behavior rules in the classroom of academic building, etc. Consultant has once again highlighted the strict requirements for discipline during the test and no mobile phones. In addition, instructors will again consult directly in the classrooms.
Talking about the features of this year's session, beginning with External testing Iryna Bakalenko marked good organization of entrants. In her opinion, this contributed to the fact that many high school students in March took the opportunity to check their knowledge during trial tests, which were conducted for the sixth time on the basis of Zaporizhzhya National University. Then representatives of ZNU made sure that to prospective students not only were able to determine for themselves the areas of concern, which should focus on while preparing for the EIT, but also received consultation of psychologist on the algorithm of passing the exams. Also during the trial tests the staff of our university has repeatedly drawn the attention of the participants to important organizational issues related to participation in External independent testing.
With this point of view completely agree with one of this year's participants of Independent external testing Akseniia Zakharova: «The first session of my life of External independent testing was quite easy to participate in it did not cause me any difficulties. Of course, I was worried, but knew the whole procedure of EIT and remembered the advice of a psychologist who helped me to focus and successfully answer all the questions this spring I took the opportunity to take relevant training organized by Zaporizhzhya National University. I'm at the moment already determined with educational institution where I want to get a higher education, so visited the ZNU to become acquainted with my future university closer. Now, that I have found myself in a familiar audience and saw that free trials were fully in accordance with the schemes of real EIT, I realized how much I needed to prepare in advance for this important event».
We remind that the main session of EIT will last until June 27, and the following tests in the Ukrainian language and literature will be 5 and 6 June.