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ZNU Press Centre News / News / ELC student became bronze medalist of Championship of Ukraine

ELC student became bronze medalist of Championship of Ukraine

21.09.2015 14:31 All Colleges and branches Economics and Law College Економіко-правничий коледж ЗНУ спорт

Student of Economics and Law College of Zaporizhzhya National University of specialty "Physical Education" Hanna Horeshnyakova became Ukraine Championship prizewinner of Taekwondo Championship 1995-1999 years of birth, which took place in Lviv.

The first fight was with the rival from Vinnitsa Nataliya Roy. In victory, Hanna passed in the semifinal. Based on the results of the competition, Hanna became bronze medalist, behind champion from Ukraine, Zhitomir - Yevgeniya Krutiy.
We wish Hanna continued success and achievements!

Economics and Law College of ZNU

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