The seminar “Multilingual Education in Ukraine” on the base of the Faculty of Foreign Philology was made due to the support of the US Embassy in Ukraine and the administration of ZNU, in particular, thanks to the rector Mykola Frolov, the vice-rector for scientific work Hennadii Vasylchuk and the dean of the faculty Halyna Moroshkina. The coordinator of the working group of this event was the associate professor of the theory and practice of translation from English Oleksandra Holovko. Among the honorary guests of the international seminar were foreign language professors, native speakers of English such as Luis Perea (Faculty of Foreign Philology of Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi national university) and Francisco Resta (Slavyansk).
Rector of ZNU Mykola Frolov opened the event and congratulated all the participants on the beginning of their fruitful work. Mykola Oleksandrovych paid a lot of attention to the great support of the administration towards the strengthening of the material and technical base of the university and the Faculty of Foreign Philology. "Dear colleagues! Pay attention to the equipment of those audiences in which your workshops will be held. Making the educational process more modern, and modernized is the first priority of our work, which I always keep telling while representing the activities of our university. It is symbolic that we opened a multimedia laboratory of the history of American English ("Laboratory of American English") on the occasion of the beginning of the two-day international seminar "Multilingual Education in Ukraine" on the Faculty of Foreign Philology.”
Vice-rector for scientific work in ZNU Hennadii Vasylchuk, added that the opening of the multimedia laboratory of the history of the American English is an important event for the development of the material and technical base of the faculty, and it was possible to make thanks to the support of the US Embassy in Ukraine. The equipment for the laboratory was purchased with the help of a grant, which was won by Oleksandrа Holovko, an associate professor in the theory and practice of translation from English, within the framework of the international academic project «American English Laboratory». A major overhaul was carried out in her premises to create a comfortable environment for all who want to master the American Engish language. For the grant funds we purchased a projector, a smart board and other things for the laboratory.
Halyna Moroshkina, the dean of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, also congratulated her colleagues on the start of such an important seminar, wished them success in their further productive activities for two days, and also invited them to the foreign language testing in order to determine their level of English, German and French. The dean also spoke about several other important events which will be held on the faculty such as the Translators Contest (October), the “FRESHview” Contest in the Foreign Language (December-February), “One Day at Univesity” (March), extra-curricular events in foreign languages and etc.
A great number of peakers had a speech with their reports during the plenary session, including professors Tetiana Kozlova, Oleksandrа Holovko and others.
Stanislav Ivanenko, the coordinator of the implementation of the Concept of Foreign Language Studies of ZNU, head of the foreign languages department of the professional direction, presented to the present a report on the implementation of this important project at the university. His goal is to improve the language skills of professors and students.
Experience of ZNU in improving the language competence of not only the students but also professors of "non-linguistic" faculties aroused the great interest among representatives of other higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
An important aspect of the implementation of the Concept is the creation of the methodological and teaching aids for the study of special disciplines in a foreign language by the professors of various faculties in cooperation with the scholars of the Faculty of Foreign languages.
Within two days of the seminar, the work of the participants continued in the workshops that were held by Luis Perea, Francisco Resto, Olesia Holovko, Svitlana Zapolskykh, Kateryna Sirinok-Dolharova, Iryna Andrieieva, Svitlana vavilina, Maryna Zaluzhna, Kateryna Vasylyna, Tetiana Udilova, Maryna Vorobiova, Olena Tupakhina, Oksana Telkova and others. At the end, each participant received a certificate of the professional development and expressed his impression about participation in the event.
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