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ZNU graduate students trained to resist media manipulation

ZNU graduate students trained to resist media manipulation
11.02.2019 14:45 All Top news тренінги аспірантура медіаграмотність маніпуляції фейки джинса

On February 7-8, Zaporizhzhia National University held training sessions on “What you need to know about media so as not to become a victim of manipulation” for first-year graduate students and other volunteers. During the meeting, young scientists and professors learned what influences the objectivity of the media, learned how to apply the standards of journalism to assess the quality of information and determine manipulations. Also, those present were able to practice their critical thinking when checking fakes. The speaker of the event was a graduate student of the 3rd year of study, a trainer on media literacy, Oleksandra Usenko (certificate of the Academy of Ukrainian Press).

In addition, the event was about who owns TV channels in Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia media, how to find out who owns the media.  Participants were able to navigate through the types of information in the media, to separate facts from comments, to study the signs of guerrilla advertising as custom-made material. The presentations of such modern phenomena as the dopamine loop, the deep fake, filter bubble, framing, etc. have become especially interesting.

According to the participants, the analysis of fake accounts and videos in the exercises proposed by the trainer was particularly useful.

Associate professor of ZNU Viktoriia Meniailo, who thanked Oleksandra for interesting and useful training for graduate students of the university, joined the events.

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