On July 1, the admission campaign-2019 started in ZNU. And although the submission of applications and documents begins only on July 10, applicants and their parents are actively applying to the admissions office of ZNU, because on July 1 the registration of electronic offices of applicants started. And this is one of the most important stages of the admission campaign. As in previous years, representatives of the admission board not only provide advice to prospective students, but also assist them in creating electronic offices.
As the responsible secretary of the admission board Stanislav Ivanenko notes, quite a few applicants on the first day expressed a desire to use this service. They also turn to the admission board if they have some questions that arise during admission bard-2019. Employees of the admission board are making a lot of efforts to help graduates of schools and colleges to deal with all the features of the current admission campaign.
All applicants are provided with a comprehensive consultation. With any questions regarding the admission campaign-2019, obtaining the necessary advice, including legal or the creation of an incoming electronic office we advise you to contact the experts of the admission board of ZNU.
In particular, you can:
- write an e-mail to: pk.znu.ua@gmail.com
- call by phone: (061) 764-18-75; (061) 764-67-53;
- visit in person by the address: ZNU, Zhukovskyi str, 66 -B, Academic Building 2, aud. №№ 114, 115.
In addition, everyone can find the necessary information on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and on the website of Zaporizhzhia National Univerity in the section "Applicant": https://www.znu.edu.ua/ukr/pk.
In particular, today textual and video instruction for working with an electronic office is becoming particularly relevant. The same registration of offices is carried out on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine by link: https://ez.osvitavsim.org.ua/.
Applicants are also advised to pay attention to the features of the admission campaign-2019, information about which is posted on the website of ZNU: https://www.znu.edu.ua/ukr/pk;
Information about the stages of the admission campaign can be found here: https://web.znu.edu.ua/pk/bakalavrat/04-etapi-vstupnoji-kampaniji-bakalavr/.
We should also pay attention to the list of documents required for admission and other useful information: https://web.znu.edu.ua/pk/bakalavrat/
You can look at other useful information by the link below: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/tag/vstupna-kampaniya-2019
In particular, the category in 2019 will have benefits for admission can be found here: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/vstupiti-u-vish-za-rezultatami-spivbesidi-abo-ispitiv-zmozhut- viznacheni -kategoriyi-abituriyentiv-rozyasnennya-mon? fbclid = IwAR1ZhPLa5flaRygroSeMUpGSDn5MmUFWcsZpK6-BKqGC2Pxu2S_tjxLQpnc