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ZNU Press Centre News / News / Single professional entrance exam for admission to magistracy on the specialty "Law" has been held on the basis of ZNU

Single professional entrance exam for admission to magistracy on the specialty "Law" has been held on the basis of ZNU

Single professional entrance exam for admission to magistracy on the specialty "Law" has been held on the basis of ZNU
08.07.2019 10:19 All Top news Відділ доуніверситетської підготовки, профорієнтації та працевлаштування Відділ доуніверситетської підготовки профорієнтації та працевлаштування вступна кампанія-2019 магістратура єдине фахове вступне випробування

Single professional entrance exam for admission to magistracy on the specialty "Law" has been held on the basis of ZNU on July 4. The exam was held in the form of EIE and was attended by 180 people who want to study in magistracy on the specialty 081 "Law".


Responsible for this exam on the basis of ZNU, head of the Department of Pre-University training, career guidance and employment Halyna Mykytiv noted that at this time, there were involved 14 areas of classroom fund of the Academic Building №2. The work of testing provided 14 senior instructors, 14 instructors and 5 duty instructors. Among them were a lot of professors, staff of ZNU and professors of Zaporizhzhia schools.

Authorized person of Dnipropetrovsk regional center of estimation of education Olena Penkova assisted the staff and monitored compliance with procedures for conducting SPET. She noted a clear and coordinated work of staff involved in this examination.

Those who were applying for the master’s degree on July 2, had already participated in SPET in foreign language, so were already familiar with the procedure of passing the test in the format of EIE. In addition, at the beginning of the exam they are reminded about the rights and responsibilities of students.

Students had 200 minutes to complete all tasks. They were divided into 2 stages. During the first phase, the task was divided into three blocks, for each of them was given 25 minutes. It included "Critical thinking", "Analytical thinking", and "Logical thinking". For completing this stage there was 75 minutes.

During the second stage, the level of knowledge in over the 8 basic juridical (legal) disciplines was tested. The students had 125 minutes in order to complete this stage.

Exam results will be posted no later than 14 calendar days in the information pages in the "Office of SPET / SEE".


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