In December, fourteen teachers of the faculties of foreign philology and journalism ZNU (Zaporizhzhia National University) received certificates of successful completion of the advanced course "Content and Language Integrated Learning for Tertiary Education". The course took place from May to December 2020 within the framework of the international Erasmus + KA2 project MultiEd "Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration."
The course was developed by European partners of the MultiEd consortium, the University of Tartu (Estonia), the Aston University (UK) and the Heidelberg University (Germany) for about a hundred foreign language teachers at the partner universities in Ukraine.
The first phase of the course took place in May-June, when participants underwent intensive online training on the Moodle platform of the University of Tartu. Participants learned about the history of the origin and development of CLIL, the success stories of the application of this methodology in educational institutions across the Europe, the theoretical prerequisites for the use of this methodology. Teachers tested CLIL in action, learned to develop their own CLIL-based lessons and learning materials, studied about CLIL assessment strategies, and about the partnership and collaboration of teachers working in this methodological paradigm.
The final part of the course was aimed at the practical application of acquired knowledge and skills. Participants analysed CLIL-based music lessons from one of the European schools, then developed, and conducted their own 10-minute microteaching in webinar or video lessons formats for their Ukrainian counterparts with the mentorship of European experts Susan Garton and Elisabeth Wielander, Muna Morris-Adams (Aston University, UK), Urve Aja, Anna Golubeva, and Irene Kaossar (Estonia).
Such a comprehensive, practice-oriented approach to the advanced training course "Content and Language Integrated Learning for Tertiary Education" made it possible to prepare teachers for the implementation of this pedagogical methodology during the development of foreign language courses for students of Zaporizhzhia National University. Enhancing foreign language competence, especially English language competence of students and academic staff are among the strategic objectives of our higher education establishment for the coming years. In addition, the task of the MultiEd project for next 2021 is to develop a series of CLIL-oriented courses where foreign language and subject will be taught in parallel, as well as to continue preparing a strategy for multilingual education at ZNU, which will facilitate the university's entry into modern integrated multilingual European educational area.