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ZNU Press Centre News / News / The online course "CLIL Methodology" within Erasmus+ KA2 Project MultiEd was successfully completed at the Faculty of Foreign Philology

The online course "CLIL Methodology" within Erasmus+ KA2 Project MultiEd was successfully completed at the Faculty of Foreign Philology

The online course "CLIL Methodology" within Erasmus+ KA2 Project MultiEd was successfully completed at the Faculty of Foreign Philology
16.05.2023 12:02 All Top news Faculties Foreign Philology MultiEd ZNU Zaporizhzhia National University ЗНУ Запорізький національний університет засідання ректорату освітній процес профорієнтаційна діяльність вступ-2023 наукова діяльність матеріально-технічне забезпечення

From March 20 to April 30, on the Moodle platform of the Zaporizhzhia National University, 95 teachers of general secondary educational institutions and university teachers of Zaporizhzhia and the region successfully completed the online course "CLIL Methodology" and received certificates of professional development.


The e-course "CLIL Methodology" is a product of the collective creativity of the MultiEd project team that comprised representatives from eight Ukrainian universities and three HEIs from Estonia, Germany and United Kingdom. The course aimed at adapting and introducing advanced methods of teaching foreign languages into the educational process in Ukraine, including interactive methods, student-centered learning, communicative methods of language acquisition, CLIL methodology. Ukrainian and European scientists and teachers, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the Association of English language teachers TESOL-Ukraine worked on the creation and implementation of the course program. Participants of the course were offered 6 practical modules, which helped to immerse in the CLIL methodology and apply the acquired knowledge and advice in practice in the educational  process.

The participants gave positive feedback, thanked for the opportunity to gain new knowledge; noted that the course made them look at their professional experience in a different way and improve the methods and techniques of working with students. Teachers recommend its further implementation and believe that the application of the subject-language integration method will significantly increase the motivation of students to learn foreign languages, will teach children to use a foreign language in everyday communication consciously and freely.

The developers of the course plan to expand the program next year and use the course in a blended learning system to improve the qualifications of teachers and lecturers.








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