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The representatives of Zaporizhzhia National University presented ZNU team during LTT visit in Slovenia

The representatives of Zaporizhzhia National University presented ZNU team during LTT visit in Slovenia
15.10.2023 12:35 All Top news Faculties Foreign Philology Philology eRead ZNU Zaporizhzhia National University Запорізький національний університет ЗНУ проєктна діяльність економічний факультет філологічний факультет факультет іноземної мови міжнародна діяльність електронне читання eRead Erasmusplus

The representatives of Zaporizhzhia National University Olga Stadnichenko, professor, head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, and Iryna Bakalenko, associate professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Literature presented ZNU team during LTT visit within the framework of the Erasmus+ project 2022-1-EE01-KA220-HED-000089331 eRead “Developing Reading Skills With and Through Digital Technologies”. The event took place on October 9-13, 2023 in the city of Koper (Slovenia). As eRead aims at popularizing national languages (Ukrainian, Estonian, Latvian, Slovenian) through the development of reading skills on digital platforms, the purpose of the visit was to share experiences in teaching reading with the use of digital technologies.


During the week, the participants of the eRead project from four countries (Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine) exchanged their expertise and practical experience of teaching the state language as a foreign/second language in institutions of different levels: kindergartens, schools, universities, educational centers for adults. The events took place in several locations: University of Primorska (Univerza na Primorskem), People’s University (Ljudska Univerza Koper), Central Children’s Library.

On the first day of the event, the representatives of the administration of the University of Primorska – Vice-rector for Education Tina Štemberger, Dean of the Faculty of Education Mara Cotič, Vice Dean for Quality Sonja Rutar – addressed the participants with a welcome speech. The project coordinator Oleksandra Golovko in her speech “Project aims, goals, structure and expectations” presented the features of the project, outlined its goals, structural components and expected outcomes for each stage.

The University of Primorska and the Faculty of Education presented the project in Slovenian and English; talked about their educational programs, research projects, student events. The participants could also visit the university campus of Koper. An excursion to the library, which is the educational center of the city, was also insightful and informative. The participants were particularly impressed by the activities organized by the library staff for children and their parents to promote reading and motivate them to read a variety of literature. An important part of the program was attending classes in local kindergartens and schools where the Slovenian language is taught as a second language: the visitors had the opportunity to participate in the learning process and familiarize themselves with methodological materials, with a special focus on the development of reading skills in children and adults.

The representatives of ZNU Olha Stadnichenko and Iryna Bakalenko devoted their speech to new approaches to the formation of students’ motivation to read and the Ukrainian experience of using digital tools in the educational process. The speech was accompanied by interactive exercises that were of particular interest for the participants.

Enriched with new insights, Zaporizhzhia team headed by Maryna Zaluzhna, associate professor of the Department of the English Philology and Linguodidactics, will keep working at the project implementation. 


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